Uploading (Publishing) Using FrontPage

Allwebco web templates FrontPage publishing

Pinned Note FrontPage Publishing
Allwebco templates were originally created in Notepad but they can be edited and published (uploaded) using Microsoft FrontPage software. Because Allwebco templates were created to be used with any HTML software, the website can not be originally published as "FrontPage Webs" until after the template files have been FTP uploaded for the first time.

FrontPage Uploading
Allwebco templates are created to be compatible in multiple HTML software. Because of this they cannot be published the first time using FrontPage only. You will need to upload the template files the first time using FTP software. Once the initial uploading is done, you can then do all your publishing using FrontPage (requires installation of FP server extensions).

With CuteFTP and other FTP programs, you can login to your hosting area and drag and drop to upload all the files and folders (directories) in one shot, without having to upload the files individually through your control panel. After this first upload, editing and publishing can then be done on-line using only FrontPage software.

Related Topics:
Editing in FrontPage
Uploading using FTP software
Where do you put the website files?