Adding Another Row of Pictures in a Gallery

Website template support for image gallery pages

Pinned Note Add Gallery Rows
Allwebco templates may include three to five rows of images on each gallery HTML page. You can optionally add additional image rows by copying and pasting existing code using Notepad, TextEdit or a plain text editor.

See Also…

Step #1
Make a copy of the gallery page you're editing as a backup in case you make an error.

Step #2
Open the gallery.htm page that you want to add another row of images to in Notepad, TextEdit or a plain text editor. Look for the note for the start of the last image row (may be row 3, 4 or 5):


Or your template may have 4 rows and be called "ZONE 4". Be sure to locate the last row.

Then find the ending note lower in the page:


There is a note at the start and at the end of each row. Place your mouse cursor at the end of that note, (zone 3, 4 or 5) and drag your mouse up the page selecting everything in between and including the notes. Leave this area selected, and choose "edit", "copy" in the Notepad menu.

Place your cursor after the last row's ending note (END ZONE 3, 4 or 5) and choose paste from the Notepad menu. Save the page, drag it into your web browser and refresh to check your work.

Step #3
You now have a new row of pictures, however, the pictures are still the same as the row above. Create new full sized images and thumbnails in the gallery folder and edit each picture in the row you made with your new full sized image and thumbnail names.

Example: If your gallery page has 12 images before the modification, create "Fgallery1-13.jpg" (full size) and "gallery1-13.jpg" (thumbnail) images in the gallery folder. Edit the area highlighted in red as shown below with your new image names.

<a href="javascript:ViewImage('gallery/Fgallery1-13.jpg')"><img src="gallery/gallery1-13.jpg" border="0" class="Galborder"></a><br>

Refresh the gallery page and test your new image by clicking on the thumbnail.

Step #4
This step is required ONLY if your template includes a "viewer-slideshow.htm" so you can re-number the slides. If your template does not include a page with this exact name, skip this step, otherwise see: "viewer-slideshow.htm" support.

Related Topics:
Replacing Gallery Pictures
Replacing Gallery Thumbnails
Editing Other Template Images