Different Menus on Different Pages

Menu setup and editing in Allwebco templates

Sticky Note Menu Editing
All Allwebco templates use a single file for the menu system. The file may be called menu.js or menu.htm. In some cases you may want to have one or more pages with a different set of menu links on it than the other pages.

See Also…

Step #1:
Make a copy of the menu.js. Call it "menu-2.js".

Or... if your template uses "jQuery includes":

Make a copy of the menu.htm in the includes folder. Call it "menu-2.htm".

Step #2:
Open the HTML page in your editing software that you want to have a different menu on. Search for "menu.js". This code should only appear one time inside the webpage. Edit it so it is instead "menu-2.js". Save the HTML page.

Or... if your website template is using "jQuery includes" for the menu, search for "menu.htm" and edit that to "menu-2.htm".

Step #3:
Edit the "menu-2.js" or "menu-2.htm" you created with your changes.

Step #4:
In your web browser, open the HTML page you edited to use the new menu and confirm that the new menu with different links is displaying.

Related Topics:
Adding and removing pages
Setting up the menus
Editing .js files