Burgdorf's AWSD WebSearch

Site search support for websites and web templates

Sticky Note Site Search
Support for the AWSD WebSearch cgi script. This is the same script we are using in this support center. It can be downloaded and added to your template if you have Allwebco web hosting or if your website hosting setup includes a cgi-bin folder. The script is called WebSearch and was written by Darryl C. Burgdorf.

See Also…

Note: If your template includes a search.js or search box, see the help.html included with your template download for the correct setup info and support links.

Setup the search form
To setup the search form included in select template models as a site search:
  1. For the latest version, go to Awsd.com to download the script. If the site is unavailable you can use this link: download WebSearch zip file and instructions.
  2. Configure and install websearch as indicated in the documentation. All this involves is uploading "websearch.pl" into your cgi-bin. Then CHMOD 755 this file with your FTP software.
  3. If your template does not include a search.js file (outlined in the next 3 steps), or you do not have an Allwebco template, the download does include sample form code.
  4. Delete or rename the search.js, then rename the OPTIONAL-Burgdorf-search.js to search.js. (included in select template models) (files may be in the "extras" folder)
  5. Edit the "your-web-domain.com" variable in the search.js near the top with your domain name. (included in select template models)
  6. Edit "your-web-domain.com" in one place in the search.htm. (included in select template models)
  7. This script is not created or supported by Allwebco. You will need to check the documentation included with the AWSD search application for setup and troubleshooting.
  8. View sample form code (Included in .zip download)
Download Download the script at awsd.com
Download Alternate Websearch Download

Web Search

Web Search

Other options
Another site search option is to use the Google search engine to search your site only. See: Google search support.