Welcome Message Setup

Website template built-in video applications

Upgrade To HTML5 Video

Built-in template video
Support for Allwebco template video message popup. See the help.html included with your template download for the correct options and support links. If you have this type of video, your website download should include a folder named message.

Outdated: See the video popup addon for current version support and for the latest download to add to your website or to update an old message version.

Video file types
File types used in the video message popup can be .wmv, .wma, .wav, .mp3, .au, .mpg, .mov or any other web compliant audio or video format.

Overview: About the code
Files and images for the welcome/intro message can be found in the "message" folder. The message popup sizes are found in the "pop-closeup.js". Edit the "pop-welcome.js" or "video-pop-scripts.js" if you have the responsive video popup.

Files you can edit
In the "message" folder you can edit any of the files. You can replace or edit the message popup graphics by editing the images in the "message" folder.

The popup HTML pages
Edit the "welcome-quicktime.htm" and "welcome-winmedia.htm" HTML pages in the "message" folder to edit the message popup text. You can edit these pages with any HTML editor like Dreamweaver or Frontpage or with a plain text editor like Notepad.

Changing the intro file type | Click for .js file help
To change the file to use for the welcome message popups edit the "player-quicktime.js" and "player-winmedia.js" in the "message folder". For Windows Media it's best to use a .wmv or .wma file for video or mp3 for audio. For the Quicktime player it's best to use a .mov file for video and a .mp3 for audio. An .mpg video file should work for both if you do not want two file types. Place your movie or audio files in the "message folder".

Editing the video area sizes | Click for .js file help
To resize the message video/audio area edit the "player-quicktime.js" and "player-winmedia.js" files in the "message" folder.

Converting WAV to Mp3
See xmp3Player.htm for support.

Using video instead of sound only
You can also use most types of video. MPG is a good choice. If you use .mov it may not work in the Winmedia player. If you use .wmv it may not work in the Quicktime player. You can experiment with other video types. To edit for video, follow the same basic steps as described in the paragraph above "Changing the intro file type".

Graphics buttons and fonts
The graphics used for the message area can be found in the "message" folder. You can edit these with any graphics editor. Font sizes and "close" button code can be found in the CSS file.

Popup Window Sizes
You can change the size of the intro/message popup windows. You will edit the pop-closeup.js in Notepad. Click here to see what to edit. Edit the pop-welcome.js if you have the welcome message add-on.