Using Optional Template Pages
Optional home, contact and other pages
Support for Allwebco template optional pages. Many templates include optional or sample pages. These pages can be used as alternate pages, or as page additions to the website by renaming them and linking to them.
See Also…
Using the default template, as setup
If you plan to use the default template as setup and
not use any of the optional pages, move any of the following HTML pages your download includes into the template "extras" folder.
- No-Animation-Home-sample.htm
- OPTIONAL-index-?.html
- OPTIONAL-homepage.html
- Graphic-LOGO-sample.htm
- No-Flash-Home-sample.htm
- No-Form-contact.htm
- ...all other "OPTIONAL-XXX.html" pages.
Using the No-Animation or No-Flash homepage
- Move the "index.html" into the "extras" folder.
- Rename the "No-Animation-Home-sample.htm" or "NOFLASH-HOME.htm" or "No-Flash-Home-sample.htm" to "index.html".
- Do all other steps on your "help.html".
Using an OPTIONAL index or homepage
- Move the "index.html" into the "extras" folder.
- Rename the "OPTIONAL-index-?.html" or "OPTIONAL-homepage.html" you want to use to "index.html".
- Move any other "OPTIONAL-index-?.html" pages into the "extras" folder.
- Do all other steps on your "help.html".
The No-Form-contact.htm
This page is included in the event that you do not want to use a contact form on your contact.htm page and just want an email link and/or phone number.
- Move the "contact.htm" into the "extras" folder.
- Rename the "No-Form-contact.htm" to "contact.htm".
- Follow the steps on your "help.html" to setup the contact info.
The Graphic-LOGO-sample.htm page:
This page is only a sample and should be moved into your "extras" folder. See the "options" section on your help page if you want to use the graphic logo option. This page is not to be used and is only an example.